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Cozy Juicy Real: Deeper Connections Disguised as a Board Game πŸŽ‰

Cozy Juicy Real: Deeper Connections Disguised as a Board Game πŸŽ‰

πŸ—’ Description:
Connect with the SDXD community – play Cozy Juicy Real – the online board game with a very un-game-like purpose…

To kindle fun and connecting conversation.

You’ll get to know others in SDXD and - who knows - you might meet your next client, collaborator or cofounder in the process. πŸ˜‰

Cozy Juicy Real has been played in 71 countries to create stronger teams at companies like Adobe, Hubspot, Zendesk, Miro and more…

β€œI had no idea what I was getting myself into, but this is the best 'getting to know you' game I’ve ever played.” - Katharine H.

344 people who think you should definitely be there

πŸš€ Launching on Kickstarter March 28th

About your Hosts
Jed and Sophia are group facilitators, coaches and the creators of Cozy Juicy Real. They’re two people who believe in the power of games to bring us all a little closer. Favorite coffee treat? Frappuccinos with silky soy milk and a pump of something sweet.

March 22

The Power of Networking: A discussion on cultivating meaningful connections

May 17

πŸ™Œ Redesigning the Design Studio Workshop: New Format, Better Outcome